Although not required to speak before her sentencing, Alycia accepted responsibility for her actions in Court. Alycia continues to heal physically, spiritually and emotionally, and the process of accepting responsibility was another major step. Thomas Athans, on the other hand, was not required to appear in Court, face charges, or ever accept responsibility publicly, compliments of the Troy Police Department. In the video clip below, Alycia is asked about her thoughts about the refusal of the Troy Police to arrest, detain or inconvenience Athans. Alycia states that she has forgiven those involved, including the Troy Police involved, and "does not care" about the special treatment afforded Athans.
The picture above was taken just before sentencing. On Alycia's right arm is the bracelet which Julianne Cusumano gave her which reads, "Ask. Believe. Receive." Alycia has never taken this bracelet off since Julianne gave it to her. After sentencing, a tearful Alycia spoke to members of the media. A video clip from Fox 2 Detroit's Taryn Asher is below. Upon completion for the probationary term, this charge will be dismissed with no public record of the arrest or prosecution. Alycia looks forward to rebuilding her life. Alycia is thankful to Judge Bolle (Troy), Judge Faunce (Warren), and Judge Mack (Wayne) and for the thoughts and prayers of those who have followed her case. Her hopes are to continue to live in Southeastern Michigan which she loves.
Michigan does not have a safety net for young people such as Alycia, either privately or publicly funded. In Toledo, OH. the University of Toledo has worked with the University of Michigan to establish "Second Chance," and Portland, Oregon has the Lola Greene Baldwin Foundation. Any persons interested in helping attorney Frank Cusumano, Jr. organize a foundation or non-profit for this purpose, should contact attorney Cusumano at frankcusumano@msn.com.
Click the following link for more information: http://www.change.org/changes/view/2632
Ironically, if Alycia was a few years younger, there would be federal funds and law enforcement action taken against the pimps and handlers, since there are federally funded programs for the protection of minors accused of prostitution.