Recently a T-Shirt was put up for sale on the internet. It purports to be directed at Thomas Athans (since no one would even know who Alycia Martin is otherwise) however, Thomas Athans is not mentioned, depicted in picture, or otherwise referenced, on the shirt. This is because Thomas Athans was never charged with any crime stemming from the events of February 26, 2008. This remarkable lack of prosecution and fodder for the media (and this T-Shirt company) is a direct result of the "special treatment" afforded Thomas Athans. There simply is no "mug shot" of Thomas Athans to use. Instead there is only the widely disseminated picture of Alycia Martin which is captioned "The Information Super Ho-Way." Athans is, by virtue of his marriage to U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow and/or his failed business venture in Liberal Talk Radio, an "important person" to the media. Since there is no charges against him, Alycia becomes the surrogate "whipping girl."
Lt. Gerry Scherlinck, public relations specialist for the Troy Police Department, released a high resolution digital picture of Martin's booking picture to the media in response to a Freedom of Information Request (FOIA) from the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press, for one and one purpose only, to maximize Alycia's exposure to the media, and convict her in the Court of public opinion. Most, if not all police departments release only printed low resolution pictures in response to FOIA requests. This "overkill" is not justifiable under any reasonable circumstances. The Troy Police knew Martin's desperate situation, yet purposefully decided to grind her into the dust. Alycia Martin will survive this assault on her dignity as she survived the other degradations visited upon her. Alycia was supposed to jump bond, but to the surprise of the Troy Police and Thomas Athans appeared in Court to face the charge. Alycia has not missed or been late to a single Court appearance. Alycia refused to disappear into the night, and decided to fight to regain her life against the odds. Attorney Frank Cusumano Jr. has and will continue to stand by her, as he has through her other challenges, in Court and in her life, to help her get back what was lost. Alycia should serve as an inspiration to others in similar straits that they can make positive change and get their lives back.
Predictably, Martin's FOIA requests for documents and for the inspection of things to the City of Troy relative to the investigation and prosecution of Alycia Martin were denied in total. Martin is, of course, a "little person" and is expected to absorb the glare and brunt of negative publicity while Athans, as if nobility, walks away "scot free."
In feudal Europe, nobility could not be punished for their crimes. Usually the nobleman was not charged at all. If charged and after the finding of guilt, the sheriff would pick out a peasant servant or one from the crowd and lash him/her to the whipping post to absorb the beating. This was "punishment" since it was such a "disgrace" and "embarrassment" to the person of noble birth to have to witness such a thing. Nobility could not be touched. Likewise, in People v. Martin, the Troy Police argue that Athans has been "punished" by his embarrassment of having been caught in criminal activity, and having to endure the legal proceedings against Alycia. Athans has not had to defend himself against criminal charges, bears no criminal record, has not been pilloried in the press like Alycia, and was not even forced to testify when Martin called him as a witness in her pretrial Motion to Dismiss. Alycia Martin, who had surprisingly few choices in her life, is portrayed as "evil" and prosecution is necessary for law and order, but the same does not apply to Athans. The founding fathers of this country rejected such notions of entitlement and opted for "equal justice."
It should be noted that U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow has spent a life time of public service to the people of the State of Michigan, and should not be victimized, or her contributions diminished, for the actions of her legal spouse, Athans or the actions of the Troy Police Department relative to their handling of Athans. Misogyny in any form should not be tolerated, and this principal holds for both Stabenow and Martin, irrespective of political, social or economic wealth or influence.
Alycia's survivorship story is on the full blog page. http://www.alyciamartin.blogspot.com/. It is not what the Troy "ministry of public relations" would have you believe. Alycia Martin is a person and she is healing physically, spiritually and emotionally, with the help of those who reached out and would not let go. Alycia is a survivor.
Congratulations Alycia on your remarkable life changes you've accomplished in such a short time. You look happy and proud of your success. Kudos!
You deserve a lot of credit for turning your life around, and a great example for other young women struggling, that they too can make it happen if they try.
Keep up the good work!
I am Alycia's aunt and would like to thank those w... keep on keeping on
I am Alycia's aunt and would like to thank those who are showing support for in in her plight. She is a beautiful young woman who has endured more pain, betrayal, neglect and abuse than anyone could possibly imagine. The poor choices that has made were not acts of evil, but utter desperation. I pray for everyday and support her as much as I can from 600 miles away. I have no doubts that she will rise above this, but she can't do it alone. Frank Cusmano has been a guardian angel in her life and I am so grateful to him for supporting her when nobody, not even family members including her own parents have been able or even willing to help Alycia. I feel that her family should be on trial. I love Alycia with all my heart and want people to know that she is a wonderful person but due to the torture she has had to deal with since she came into this world 21 years ago has very little self esteem and I hope as she grows and learns from this experience that she will realize that she is strong and worthy of great things.
Labels: keep on keeping on
Hi alycia it is your auntie from Philly. I just wanted to let you know that I never gave up on you. I too live 600 miles away and always have you in my prayers. Call me sometimes..Love always Aunti Sue.
P.S. Grandma wants you to know that she to has never ever given up on you and says she never will. She loves you dearly and worries about you all the time. She also keeps in touch with your dad to check on your well being from your out of state family WE LOVE YOU DEARLY... Love Always, Grandma Pat and Auntie Sue....
hi am lynn, alycia step mother i would like to reply to karen the so called aunt from mass. if you cared so much for alycia why haven't you ever offered to help her out in any kind of way.as for her father he has been a GREAT dad to her we struggled over the years of taken care of her..alycia has always done what she wants to do..he has supported financialy for 18 years. as for her being abused is b.s. she always brought on everything she done herself..she has rebeled from us for years we had alot of problems with her behavior issius..she never accepted that her father and mother divorced..after living with us she moved in with her sister and always brought problems with her as we'll..alycia always burn her bridges where ever she lives by not lisening to no one..i do believe she is turning her life around now and is starting a famialy on her own.as for her father and I we have never gave up on her we have just keep praying for her to come around and stragten up..her sister jenn is still to this day doing everything and anything for her..
oo yeah karen i recall the one and only time you tried to help out your niece ..you ended up throwing her out of your house in the middle of a blizzard and you proceeded to bleach her cloths and rip them all apart..and that was when she was only a 13 year old, a little girl what a shame...:(
Hi Alycia,this is Lynn i want to say to you, yes we have had our difference but you now in your heart for real the truth about me and you remember the letters i wrote to you about if anything ever happened to you call me if you ever needed me you never called because of all the b.s. we indored over the years but you are my step daughter and your father and i do and always will care for you..keep your head up and PLEASE stay away from trouble.i think you are on the right path so stick with it we do love you....ttyl OXOXOX
and as for the commet under her booking photo about how no one would post the small bond for her and she had to spend 22 days in jail..we did that cause we was afaid that if she gotten back on the streets she could end up dead she was on a very dangerous path and we were scared for her life we new in jail she was away from all the bad and she was safe..people should't be so jundgmentel when they don't even now the truth behind it all...
Lynn, under Job Search Continues is my email address. Please email me as soon as possible. I would like to directly communicate with you and Alycia's father.
lynn it's Karen Alycia's aunt responding to your ridiculous blog. I am not going to go back and forth with you but are full of crap and you know it. recall the recent birthday party for your daughter that alycia was forbiden to attend. where was your love and support then? as far when I had Alycia here, I also tried to help and lost it. I will never forgive myself for that and have told Alycia that several times. the fact is I am here for now and have
been. ordering food to be delivered to her when she starving in the hotel hiding. do you even know her lawyer who has been taking care of her more than anyone has in her life ever has. I've been in Alycia's life alot longer than you. So say what you want about me, but most of what you say are lies, including you and Kenny loving her so much. where have benn during her ordeal? When you and Kenny were in Michigan you did NOTHING. STOP GINVING YOURSELF SO MUCH CREDIT
I came across this blog while surfing the net. I somehow missed this story in the media. Alycia, you are a very beautiful young woman and I pray that you continue down the right path. My wife and I have raised three daughters, who are now in college. I hope to hear someday that you have gotten past this bump in the road and have succeeded in life. God Bless
lynn u are a joke dont try to make everyone think that you are the step mom of the year u put alycia through so much shit no one knows but her real friends and family if it was not for u alycia would have a great dad in her life and would not have to try to make it on her own since she wAs 13 there is so many things thats u messed up in her life her dad has always neglected her for all ur needs ALL THOSE TIMES U KICKED HER OUT BY THE AGE OF 15 COME ON NOW STOP ACTING LIKE U CARE CAUSE THE WHOLE FAMILY KNOWS YOUR DEAL..BY THE WAY FRANKS CUSMANO HAS BEEN THERE FOR ALYCIA LIKE A FATHER SINCE THIS HAS BEEN GOIN ON WHERE U GUYS AT?
This blog is meant as a positive forum. Please refrain from destructive or negative comments. Alycia has told me that her father is talking with her fairly often and I know that this makes her feel loved and cared for. Alycia loves her father, and sister very much. I hope that her family can take a couple steps back sometimes, rather then fly off the handle and jump to conclusions, and let anger take over. Alycia has her issues with anger and flight (and is getting better everyday at fealing with them) but is, in her heart, a kind and generous person. No one should judge her, and likewise, no one should judge her family because no one except they themselves were there. I don't doubt that there is truth in what ALL the different people say. But, I say again, what matters is NOW, and TOMMORROW.
This is a remarkable turn around story. I hope that she gets her and her child(ren) in a good church and raises them outside the prospects of divorce with God numero uno in their lives. Study after study shows the huge benefit of kids in church.
Divorce is so damaging to children. So is single parenthood. I hope that the cycle we are in here in Michigan and the rest of the nation will be broken so kids have a fair shot in life.
As for Stabenow's hubby, he should be prosecuted and made an example of.
Hi I am the Mother of RikkiLeigh who posted a comment. I agree with Alycias Lawyer about please try to let Alycia go forward with her life. It is so sad that our past is actually our future. People do not for some reason let the word past be exactly that a past. I spoke with Alycia the day her beautiful baby was born and I could hear the Mommy in her voice. I am sure she was glowing because you could hear it in her voice. I told her your life is just starting from this day forward Alycia and she said yes it is and I am going to be the best Mom in the World. Now everyone how Beautiful do those words sound? Rikki has been friends with Alycia for many years so for that reason Alycia has been in our home and Rikki in hers. So no matter what opinion we all have of her Families Parenting Skills Alycia is the one to forgive and forget that part. So Alycia if you are reading these blogs Good Luck with your Son and like I told you on the phone just do the best you know how and if you make a mistake along the way then learn from that and trust me that Child of yours will let you know what he nees.
Wouldnt it be nice Mr.Cusumano if people would refrain from slinging mud Alycias way? I am Rikkis Mom and Alycia has spent alot of time in our home as a young girl. Rikki and Alyica will always be friends no matter what path either of them go down. I spoke with Alyica the day she had her Baby and what I heard was a Mothers Pride and Love. She had already forgotten the pain of childbirth as most of us Mothers do looking at there Precious Babies.If I could of saw her face I am sure she was glowing because of what I heard in her voice. I told her that her life was just beginning that day and she assured me she knew that and was going to do the best she could to be the Mommy that her Baby deserved. So Alycia if you do happen to find time to read this. Keep your chin up and go forward. Dont look back and dont let anyone make you feel that you are not the best that you can be. Please do that for me?
I was sitting in school the other day just thinking about everything that has happened in my life. Everything just playing back to me like a movie. One minute I am playing on the swing, running in the house when the street light comes on, the next holding my ears through the screaming. Then sitting in class waiting for the bell to ring, clicking my pen over and over watching the minutes. The next minute I think about my father being kicked out of the house again.
Nobody understands what I have been subjected to... except for you Alycia.
Though I hardly speak to you anymore I want you to know you are never far from my thoughts. Everyday all the time. I really have never had the chance to look you in the eyes and tell you just how much I love you.
I would not trade anything I have been through. Not for a million dollars, not a million smiles. Everything happens for a reason. That concept took me years to understand and accept. I hope someday you can look back on this and know, you are, who you are because of it. You are so so strong and I know you can accomplish whatever you put your mind to.
I love you Alycia. You are my cousin and I love you so much.
I doubt you will ever read this so I hope someday I get the chance to tell you.
I am always here for you and I always will be. I am just a phone call away.
I love you and I miss you all the time.
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