Friday, August 29, 2008

Ypsilanti's Response to Prostitution - Enforce Laws Equally Against Johns and Prostitutes and Provide Services To Get Prostitutes Off the Streets.

Ypsilanti Township steps up prostitution crackdown
by Tom Gantert The Ann Arbor News
Sunday October 19, 2008, 8:15 AM

During stings conducted from April 18 to Oct. 2, more than 20 prostitution arrests were made at the corner of East Michigan Avenue and Johnson Road in Ypsilanti Township.
Along East Michigan Avenue in Ypsilanti Township, business owners say prostitutes are part of the landscape.

They loiter, day and night, waiting for men to stop and pick them up.
Vinay Lakhnkia said he got so fed up that he banned known prostitutes from his business, A&W Party Store, because they solicited customers. Last year, Lakhnkia said, prostitution was rampant on East Michigan Avenue. "It was like ants," he said.
But earlier this year, Ypsilanti Township officials took aim at the problem, using an approach that includes arresting prostitutes and their customers, as well as providing services to get prostitutes off the streets.
"You know where there is a prostitute, there is a dope guy," Hage said. "The dope goes with it."
Radzik said the township's efforts center on enforcement and follow-up.
Undercover sting operations are nothing new. But taking aim at the "johns" and trying to help the prostitutes is a different approach.

When deputies catch men soliciting prostitutes - or undercover female deputies posing as streetwalkers - they confiscate their vehicles. For $750 and a promise not to return, police will agree not to go forward with civil forfeiture proceedings to permanently take the car, Radzik said."
Glynnis Anderson, director of Home of New Visions, regularly visits the county jail to meet with as many as 10 women being held on prostitution charges.
Anderson assesses which women most need housing and mental health counseling and reports her findings to the court.

Home of New Visions offers six-month and 12-month programs, individual and group therapy, and temporary housing.

Anderson said three former prostitutes are in the program.

"Prior to what we are doing now, they would be back on the strip prostituting again," Anderson said.

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